
Three months to go until the tenth edition of mozart 100 by UTMB

On June 18, 2022, mozart 100 by UTMB celebrates its tenth anniversary and takes runners on an extraordinary journey through the beautiful Salzburger Land.

A journey that began in 2012 with 250 participants and has steadily grown over the years attracting more and more athletes from around the world. The event continues this growth path and will host the largest starting field to date. More than 2,000 participants from 60 nations are expected for this year’s edition.

“It’s great to see how much mozart 100 by UTMB has grown in recent years. It is particularly pleasing that a strong trail-running community has formed around mozart 100 by UTMB, and I am looking forward to welcoming many newcomers to Salzburg for our tenth anniversary,” said Claudia Kolussi, director athlete services, mozart 100 by UTMB.

mozart 100 by UTMB was one of the first events to be announced as part of the UTMB World Series, which brings together the best races in exceptional locations while surrounding itself by unspoiled nature. A total of 25 events in 16 countries across Asia, Oceania, Europe and the Americas have been confirmed for the 2022 UTMB World Series.

This year’s mozart 100 by UTMB offers exclusive access to the UTMB World Series Finals 2023, which will take place in the 20 km, 50 km and 100 km categories of the UTMB Mont-Blanc in Chamonix, France. All finishers of the UTMB World Series events receive Running Stones with the amount depending on distance and altitude. One running stone equals one entry in the lottery for the UTMB World Series Finals.

“At mozart 100 by UTMB, we are proud to be part of the UTMB World Series, which will take place for the first time in 2022. We have all witnessed together the growing popularity of trail running over the last few years, and we continue to see unbroken growth. Salzburg as a UNESCO World Heritage Site is a fantastic and unique location for a race in the world’s most important trail running series,” said Josef Mayerhofer, race director, mozart 100 by UTMB.

mozart 100 by UTMB takes participants through the diversity and beauty of the Salzburger Land in Austria guaranteeing a unique and unforgettable trail running experience. With the two ultra-distances mozart 100 (108 km and 5,000 m+) and mozart Ultra (78 km and 4,000 m+), experienced trail runners and ultra-novices are offered the perfect challenge. With the mozart Marathon, mozart Light, mozart Half Marathon and mozart City Trail, there is also the right distance for every level of performance and experience. For all fans of team competitions or for all those who would like to get a taste of the world of trail running, there is also the opportunity to start as a relay and share the adventure with friends and colleagues.

Registration for the tenth anniversary of the mozart 100 by UTMB on June 18, 2022 is still open.

For more information, please visit   

More information on the UTMB World Series qualification system can be found here:

#TrailRunning #mozart100byUTMB #Austria #SalzburgerLand

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