
Mountaineers take on Fjällfararnas White & Green Ribbon

This week is the start for several of the total of 23 adventurers whose goal is to get through the entire Swedish mountain range, from Grövelsjön to Treriksröset, or vice versa. They have all accepted the challenge of Mountaineers White Ribbon (Fjällfararnas Vita Band) and have about 1300 km ahead of them.

Roy Evans from York, UK, is one of them!

More skiers than ever have signed up for the Mountaineers White Ribbon this winter, a total of 23 keen skiers, and the first just started their challenge.

They then have the entire Swedish mountain chain in front of them, about 1300 km and 2-3 winter months, between Grövel- sjön in Dalarna and Treriksröset (the cairn of three kingdoms) in the far north. They can choose their own route (west of certain fixed locations) and it is not a competition but a challenge and experience that requires both physical and mental strength and a lot of experience.

A challenge that will create loads of memories for life.

This season there are a few non-Swedes on the list where Roy Evans from York, UK is one of them. He just started a couple of days ago!

The idea for Mountaineers White & Green Ribbon came about during the expedition Around Sweden in 1997, when Torkel and Annica Ideström went around the country’s borders via skis, hiking, kayaking and cycling. Now Mountaineers White & Green Ribbon is synonymous with a Swedish classic.

“Now we are keeping our fingers crossed that 2023 will show itself from its best side and that both the White and Green Rib bon will have a good season,” said Torkel Ideström. “But one thing we know, it will be an adventure for all.”

Now the organization has been expanded with Sara Wänseth, who herself completed the White Ribbon in 2022. She is enthusiastic and wants more people to take the chance for the adventure of a lifetime. She has many years of experience in the outdoor industry.

“It’s probably the coolest thing I’ve done,” said Sara Wänseth. “Being able to travel alone on skis and sledge through our fantastic world of mountains was magical. I enjoyed every day, I appreciated all the weather, all the meetings with people and also the physical challenge. Now I want to be a part of creating similar experiences for others! And also more international adventurers”

Header image: Annica Ideström, Sara Wänseth and Torkel Ideström, the organization behind the White & Green Ribbon.

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