Conference call for Cowalfest 2023!

This year’s Cowalfest walking festival, scheduled for October 12th to 16th, will feature a novel form of pedal power in the form of a seven-seater ‘conference’ bicycle.
The innovative bicycle, one of only two of its kind in Scotland and supplied by ‘On Your Bike’ based at Millport on Cumbrae, will be in use for two family-friendly ‘Magnificent 7 Adventure’ events and five ‘Peddle and Patter Power’ Young Scot events on Sunday 15th October.
Starting out at the Sandy Beach car park in Innellan, participants will be able to cycle and chat with a group of friends for an hour in the direction of Toward before returning within the hour.
“It promises to be a lot of fun and adds something extra to this year’s Cowalfest,” said organiser Agnes Harvey.
The ‘Magnificent 7 Adventures’ represent two of the 13 specific, family friendly focused events that make up the Cowalfest 2023 programme along with 28 guided walks across Cowal, nine special interest walks and seven Young Scot events.
Agnes added: “The two family-friendly adventures start at 9.30am and 10.30am with the Young Scot events taking place from 11.30am to 3.30pm on the Sunday, the penultimate day of Cowalfest.
“We are aiming to attract families to this year’s Cowalfest and have included foraging, history and art walks within the schedule as well as a Teddy Bears picnic,” said Agnes.
For more details and to book places visit