The environmentally friendly MAGIC UPPER CLEANER cleans dirty shoes in no time. The shoe cleaner by BAMA is suitable for all upper materials and removes dirt and stains from your sports shoes or sneakers to make them shine like new. When running, hiking or cycle touring, external influences like water, sand and dust leave unpleasant marks on your shoes. Even though many people do wash their shoes in the washing machine, it is not recommended especially for high-quality functional shoes.
Using electrostatic attraction, the MAGIC UPPER CLEANER foam lets your leisure and sports shoes shine again in just a few minutes – no washing machine required. The magic cleaning foam is particularly effective, gentle on materials, and environmentally friendly. Its active ingredient molecules can identify and loosen dirt particles after application, binding them to themselves using electrostatic attraction. In case of heavy contamination, you can use a sponge for assistance. Coarse dirt should be removed with a brush beforehand. All products of the BAMA MAGIC family make shoes look like new again and protect them from external influences.
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